Colonial and Non-colonial Water

Okanagan Okanogan

As we work to free ourselves from the constrictions placed on the Earth by colonial understandings and allow it to come to life again, it’s good to remember that the very concept of water is no less colonial than the concept of land. To illustrate the point, here are two forms of water transfer technology.

The Earth’s version is in the back. The colonial version, which turns water into a lifeless form so it can pass roads without turning them into living environments, is in the foreground, ready to be applied. Stepping forward, we get a clearer view of the Earth’s mechanisms: big eroded cuts that transfer water, and pools of water below the concentrating faces of hangs.

This is not new knowledge. The Norse goddess Hlín was a protectress, linked to an overhanging cliff, which was described as a tree. In short, even as late as 1,000 years ago…

View original post 384 more words

Cold Houses Needed

Okanagan Okanogan

Houses are built in Canada to keep out the cold and keep in the heat. The latter, they are poor at, but when the heat leaves, more is added.

Of course, this is in Vernon, in the Okanagan Valley, where outdoor heat is desired, and brings people here from around the country. To make it so, one often resorts to planting the yards in bare rock, to radiate heat, store it in the night, and prevent the growth of cooling plants. Along comes climate change, and this all seems a little wrong-headed. The gravel pit associated with this subdivision shows what the Earth is trying to do instead.

See that? Build a wall, without a roof, so it will cool, keep the whole structure off the ground (there’s air between those rocks), so stored heat can’t warm it, and shade it with a thick wall against the sun, again porous…

View original post 369 more words

The Northwest Territories and Yukon Radio System (NWT&Y)…or how we got to Northwestel …

Map of “the system” via

… or how we got to Northwestel

“…In 1922, the vast Canadian north, from Hudson Bay to the Alaska border, comprising of the Northwest Territories and the Yukon Territory, had no means of communication with civilization, or “outside” as it was known, except a limited mail service by boat in summer and dog-team in winter. In addition to this limited mail service Dawson City, YT was served by a telegraph line from Hazelton, BC operated by the Dominion Government Telegraph Service. The telegraph line was none too reliable due mainly to maintenance difficulties as it ran for hundreds of miles through uninhabited wilderness and over extremely rugged terrain. […] The story of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Radio System (NWT&Y) is a virtually unknown saga in the history of the development of northern Canada. The contributions of the men who staffed the stations are largely unheralded. In his post-script to the official history, WO1 Cal Vince says: “Northerners will also remember Signals primarily as magistrates, Airways and Transportation agents, acting minions of the law and prime movers in community affairs. It is the unmistakeable fact that the fine reputation built by the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals during 37 eventful years of service in the north country was not the result of the efforts of one, two or even three individuals, but rather the results of the combined efforts of every officer and man who served on this now non-existent arm of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.” These are not the normal roles of soldiers on active service. But there in the Canadian northland they were engaged in unusual circumstances and eventful times. Not only was Canada’s northern frontier and its resources in the early stages of exploration and development, but the science, technology and practical applications of global telecommunications and air transportation were also probing new frontiers. The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals was asked by the Government of Canada to step into the breach and fill the void in long-distance telecommunication to serve those industries and the embryonic communities in the northern territories. In the process the Signallers found themselves, perforce, fulfilling duties far beyond anything they had learned at the School of Signals in Vimy Barracks. In enthusiasm, ability, dedication and inventiveness they were not found wanting. In the nearly four decades (1923-59) that their System operated they left behind them a proud and impressive legacy…”
See the full story at….

2020 Pandemic Summer “Virtual Street/Art Tour of Yellowknife” CIERF Grant

I received word today that I will be receiving the grant to “video art the arts” in Yellowknife until October…

The work will be a “Virtual Street/Art Tour of Yellowknife”

In August of 2007, on the occasion of the first Old Town Ramble & Ride I shot a series of 34 photographs celebrating the event, hand an exhibition of them at the former Robin’s Nest Restaurant, published a 20 page photo catalogue…

August of 2007, on the occasion of the first Old Town Ramble & Ride

In the spirit and celebration of Old Town Ramble and Ride, I’ll build on this concept and shoot a series of short documentations of the arts and artists in Yellowknife, including, but not limited to; the artists, the street art, studios and exhibitions happening over the 2020 Pandemic Summer.


As I usually do as the artist… I shall record and edit the images and sound.
To document the artistic community’s work over this special summer and help replace the usual venues.

I received word today that I will be receiving the grant to cover the arts in Yellowknife until October… “… NWTArts told me today “… Thank you for your application to the Northwest Territories (NWT) Creative Industries Economic Recovery Fund (CIERF). The CIERF Review Panel has now completed the review of submissions and we are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has been approved.
In the next two weeks a contribution agreement (CA) will be developed for your signature. It is important to note that you will receive two payments for this project. A first payment of 85% of project costs will be issued upon processing the CA, and a final payment of 15% will be provided upon completion of the project and when reporting is provided (before March 31, 2021)….”

Chief Drygease Territory, Yellowknife / Sǫ̀mbak’è, NT 🇨🇦

George Lessard
Mársı | Kinanāskomitin | Thank you | Merci | Hąį’ | Quana | Qujannamiik | Quyanainni | Máhsı | Máhsı | Mahsı̀
108-600 Gitzel St, Yellowknife / Sǫ̀mbak’è, NT 🇨🇦 X1A 2R4
Cell∙SMS∙📱∙FaceTime∙WhatsApp # 01.867.445.9193
Information Curation, Communication & Media / Cure d’information, communication et médias
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiens
Copyright Visual Arts / Droits d’auteur Arts visuels (COVA-DAAV)
Mandy Crew Listing
Curriculum Vitae:

The Facebook #MallCopAlgorithm at work Sat 13 Jun 2020

Facebook incorrectly removes picture of Aboriginal men in chains because of ‘nudity’

“… Facebook also blocks users from sharing Guardian Australia’s story based on its use of the image. […] Facebook incorrectly removed a post critical of the prime minister’s comments regarding slavery in Australia that featured a photograph of Aboriginal men in neck chains from the late 1800s, claiming the photo featured nudity.
On Thursday, Scott Morrison said that there was no slavery in this country.
On Friday he backed down from those comments and acknowledged the history of #blackbirding in Australia – where people were coerced into working as indentured labourers, often through deception or force. He said his Thursday comments related to the principles that existed when the colony of New South Wales was founded – that there was to be no lawful slavery in Australia. …”

Full story :

I just submitted ““Nobody Knows” Global March for Climate Change Yellowknife Climate Strike!” to @WAMP_NT’s #YIFF

I just submitted “#WhichNowWhatWhere?” to @FestivalNature FilmFreeway! with music by Braille Merchant

“… WCCO photojournalist records himself getting shot in the leg with a rubber bullet and arrested by state patrol …”CJ Fogler @cjzero

DuMont TV Network

…The DuMont Television Network, also known as the DuMont Network, DuMont, Du Mont, or (incorrectly) Dumont[a] (pronounced /duːmânt/) was one of the world’s pioneer commercial television networks, rivalling NBC for the distinction of being first overall. It began operation in the United States in 1946.[1] It was owned by DuMont Laboratories, a television equipment and set manufacturer. The network was hindered by the prohibitive cost of broadcasting, by Federal Communications Commission regulations which restricted the company’s growth, and even by the company’s partner, Paramount Pictures. Despite several innovations in broadcasting and the creation of one of television’s biggest stars of the 1950s, the network never found itself on solid financial ground. Forced to expand on UHF channels during an era when UHF was not profitable, DuMont ceased broadcasting in 1956. …”

Frame Lake Ice Circuit in Yellowknife / Sǫ̀mbak’è, NT 🇨🇦

Frame Lake Ice Circuit
with music by Braille Merchant
Yellowknife / Sǫ̀mbak’è, NT 🇨🇦
Total Running time 21:42

Frame Lake Ice Circuit with music by Braille Merchant

00:13 Lost Mind Remix 07
02:44 Two Beat Remix 06
07:28 Lost Mind Remix 07 (reprise)
10:16 Twisted (platinum tongue)
10:49 Note: Upper right hand corner… Plane photo-bombs the shoot..
15:59 Smuggling Einstein
19:29 THE MONKE end keys

Braille Merchant